Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. Here I will present my research and planning for my production of a promotional film trailer alongside two ancillary products; a poster and a magazine cover, where I have tried to incorporate typical codes and conventions of existing media products. On the right hand side is a link to my Foundation Portfolio where you can see my skills development throughout the course, as I adopted new techniques and abilities.

7 July 2011

Short films and Film trailers - last year's entries

Lessons learned:
- use a tripod to keep shots steady
- think about sound levels when filming and editing
- ensure the pace of editing is suitable for the genre of the film
- trailers need to be attention grabbing, some began too slowly and told too much of the story
- close up shots work better than establishing shots in some film trailers
- what institutions are likely to produce the film?
- Horror movies - juxtaposition between the image and sound and sometimes less can be more
- The editing process is extremely important
- Use a variety of locations
- Use the rule of thirds

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