Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. Here I will present my research and planning for my production of a promotional film trailer alongside two ancillary products; a poster and a magazine cover, where I have tried to incorporate typical codes and conventions of existing media products. On the right hand side is a link to my Foundation Portfolio where you can see my skills development throughout the course, as I adopted new techniques and abilities.

19 July 2011


I have chosen to produce a trailer for a horror film, I will have to follow closely, the codes and conventions of typical horror movies and ensure I research thoroughly into existing trailers.

Title of Brief: promotion package for a new film, including a teaser trailer.

Outline of ideas:
A trailer for a horror film, house is haunted by a spirit that only 'comes out' when taunted by the occupants, will show a group of teenagers thinking it a joke, they then proceed to get followed and taunted by the spirit of Polly.

Auxiliary Products:
Promotion package, Film magazine cover and Poster for the film

Target Audience: (age, gender, socio/economic group)

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
- Black and white.

What is your inspiration?
'Identity', 'The Unborn',

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other?
Screenshots form the trailer and images of the main antagonist will be used on the poster and magazine to ensure the film is recogisable

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Internet research, software such as iMovie for construction and Photoshop for magazine and poster

How will you incorporate the following concepts?
Genre: dull colour scheme, solemn and slow music to build tension,
Audience: Classification 15

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