Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. Here I will present my research and planning for my production of a promotional film trailer alongside two ancillary products; a poster and a magazine cover, where I have tried to incorporate typical codes and conventions of existing media products. On the right hand side is a link to my Foundation Portfolio where you can see my skills development throughout the course, as I adopted new techniques and abilities.

14 November 2011

Progress Update

In this lesson I began laying out the basis for my magazine cover, adding a title and main feature article titles to the front page. I included a barcode in the layout and a date and issue number to make the magazine appear official. I plan to carry out a photo shoot with my main antagonist in order to get an appropriate image for the magazine front cover

Notes for images (typical conventions)
antagonist, lighting from beneath to emphasise face (with make up)
dark background/setting - wooded area?
looking into the camera to attract audience attention

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