Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. Here I will present my research and planning for my production of a promotional film trailer alongside two ancillary products; a poster and a magazine cover, where I have tried to incorporate typical codes and conventions of existing media products. On the right hand side is a link to my Foundation Portfolio where you can see my skills development throughout the course, as I adopted new techniques and abilities.

30 September 2011

Distributers and Production Comapanies

I have researched into different production and distribution companies in order to choose the most suitable to produce and distribute my film.

I have decided to use Vertigo Productions as the production company for my film as they seemed the most appropriate due to their experience and they are well established in the film market to ensure recognition for my film.

28 September 2011

Focus Group

20 September 2011


I posted my questionnaire on twitter.com and tumblr.com to get as many responses as possible from people of my target age group and market

15 September 2011


Stranded at a desolate Nevada motel during a nasty rainstorm, ten strangers become acquainted with each other when they realize that they're being killed off one by one. [IMDB]

Teaser trailer

  • Introduces the key characters of the film, without revealing too much information about the plot line 
  • Kept short to ensure viewer is not bored and to maintain their attention
  • Creates confusion for the viewer with quick editing and close up shots of faces 
  • Location adds to the effect of the trailer, the use of storms and rain create a more chaotic situation. 
  • Editing is used throughout the trailer to create the effect of lightning


Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap. [IMDB]

Teaser Trailer

  • Mostly dialogue, leaves audience questioning the plot line
  • Heavy breathing and panicky character causes panic for the viewer
  • Blank screen creates confusion with only a flash of light revealing the subject
  • Based on a widespread fear of being buried alive

9 September 2011

Poster Fonts

Possible fonts to use for film promotion:

'Nightmare 5'

'Ghastly Panic'

'Face Your Fears'